Feb 12, 2011

Walking The Edge (Music)

Here's a little something I recorded tonight..

Please listen as you read another piece I wrote or again separately.

Enjoy :)

Walking The Edge by Schneur Menaker

Walking The Edge

Please listen with the my recording above.. :)

Here’s a man walking
each step feels louder then the prior
His path unpaved
almost hidden from the world
the rocks beneath his toes seem damp
Moist, with tears
Is it short of does it feel long?
Is it reality or deception?

He turns a corner
Looking for his home
past another street another year
Hoping it magically appears
unfortunately it vanishes

Sounds seem to circle his ears
His heart skips a note, trauma
Feet passes a beat
Running away,
but whats chasing him is behind
As he runs before and after

Faced by decisions and turns
where can he face his fears?
Stopping to look
perhaps to hunt an answer
There is no treasure on the treasure map

Stops, peers into a cafe
Still, the world is motionless inside
Floating in his mind insane
Fighting himself his own will
looking aside from his own soul

The snow begins its reign
He stands amongst the snow flakes’ flurry
Each little one trying to bring him down
A step lower, unaware who he was

He stands alone in this cold world
Unsure where the sun rises or sets
Cold and bitter

At home he seems dried and fragile
“Come, come!” beckons the howling wind
Every further step he takes, closer to his home.
His life in disarray
Sirens seem to be calling his name.
The footsteps in the snow,
paved for him.
Follows unwillingly and with uncertainty

Who must he stop?
Where must he wonder?
His life seems distant
Far from himself

At last he arrives to his destination
Some called it death
Where his dreams became reality
Struck with awe and servitude

He calls to those who can hear him
he seems invisible to them
Jumps and turns
lands on his hands and feet

Catching his last breath
It sings from his heart and chest
Warm and heavy
Loud and muddy
Gasp and grasps
With no eyes, not wise

Emotion flows through his mind
Heart pumps with intelligence
Yelling with no tongue
Deaf with no ears
He knows he has reached the end

Life must continue, never cease

Feb 11, 2011

Describe - Yediot Achronot

My Describe photo in this weekends issue of Yidiot Achronot.