Apr 22, 2009


A dream is a step out of reality. It’s a step higher and deeper. You could love someone you hate and hate someone you love. Go out of reality the wildness of the real and live yourself out of the paradigm of life. Lose yourself and imagine the unimaginable. Fathom the feint of insanity. Reawaken your thoughts you terror.
When the nights chill and the owl calls come you fall and lie you leave and despair. While your soul leaves you and you dream. Unaware of whom you are and why you are. Your soul raises, conscious mind halts, while your sub-conscious flows. Then you dream dreams you love and dreams you hate, and ones you love cause of hate. The mind forgets it because it doesn’t believe. Stands with spite. Must be a replay, a spirit, but your mind perceives you’re heart desire. There are those who dream whilst awake. They don’t know who they are. They just flow and follow their instincts.
Beasts in the lack of sense of reality. They lose themselves and think they know themselves. Their lost. Perceive an imagination of reality so insane so obscure. In a charm, they live in a dream. It’s a contagious account. The reality is an insane feat; just stubbornly believe the dreams dream.
Man dreams of hope a vision of redemption. From the self-delusion of his own serenity to the tranquility of the abode. He’s lived forever by play. He’s directed onto a scene and is not even getting paid. He’s committed his own victim. Neither cares or knows of its pain and gash it has inflicted, the harm it suffers. Its cry he cannot understand. Seems like a foreign language. More sonic waves we may not hear. The captive is yelling. Until he pulls the chain of development and yanks it till its heard and allowed for all to hear. “God oh god please save me from my misery. I beg you my lord please help!” forever he may plead. There’s journey of hope for when a man may desire it he will be enlightened and be flabbergasted and go beyond himself and know whole truly his potential.

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