Jul 31, 2009

Redeme the Destructed - 9th of Av

On this night the 9th of AV, I lay and cry for the rebuilding of our temple. It says, “For every sickness there’s a cure and for every exile there’s a redemption.” On the day of destruction of our sacred temple there was born the builder and redeemer of hope for a better tomorrow. Not to focus on annihilation and destruction. Concentrate on the rebuilding and redemption.
For some it’s hard to imagine and conceive the temple. It is something so far beyond our realm of imagination and fantasy. For this we cry. We cry for our tears to be real and true.
Do we stand in synagogue and lament for our sins when the next day it’s forgotten? When we are poignant on our sins and wrong doings, then we conceive this hope and faith, to learn of our misdeeds and our actions. Forever.
On this day we read the past and look at the future. Where we stood and where were going to stand, we know our challenges and fights.
It’s not to be happy but sad for the future, for the better.


  1. wow do i see so much improvement!
    that was so understandable with no editing!
